Do this in front of a mirror!
One question that I probably get asked the most is ‘How do I put on false eyelashes?’ Let me give you my pro tips to make this trick as easy as possible! I’ll give you the HOW TO for applying a full strip of lashes to individual and singles.
Full Strip:
1. Measure: Hold up the false strip to your own lashes, starting at the inner corner. Where the end extends further than your own natural lashes is the “excess” and will need to be trimmed off.
2. Cut: Trim off the excess lashes (cuticle scissors are great), but be sure to hang on to them because we’ll have a perfect use for them later for the ULTIMATE CAT EYE EFFECT!
3. Glue: Spread a thin strip of eyelash glue on the back of your hand. Dip the edge of the lash strip into the glue and blow on the glue gently for about 15 seconds. This will allow the lash glue to get tacky. Glue that isn’t tacky enough will prevent the lashes from sticking to your lash line (and creates a mess!).
4. Press on the Lashes: Start in the inner corner of your eye and gently press down, staying as close as possible to your natural lash line, and working your way out to the outer corner of your eye. You will feel the weight of the lashes, but they shouldn’t hurt or poke you. You will know that you’ve done this correctly if the lashes are framing your eye shape and you do not see any skin between your natural lashes and your false lashes. Also, if you see any area that is lifting, this is the time to fix it! You’ll want to do any eyelash adjusting now while the glue is still semi-tacky. You can take the end of a skinny eyeshadow brush and push down or move the false lashes over to where you need them.
5. MY PRO-SECRET TRICK!: Take the end that was trimmed off your false lashes, dip it into the glue, and press it gently on the end of your false lash strip (they will overlap right on top). This will give the illusion of thicker lashes and give you that beautiful, flirty sweep that I insist on for any glamour shoot. GORGEOUS!!
Click on the photo to watch a Individual Eyelash Video Demo by Allison Pynn, courtesy of Sheknows.TV!
Individual Clusters:
it is best to buy 2 lengths of individual clusters so you can custom them to your eye shape!
1. Glue: Apply a dot of eyelash glue to the back of your hand. Dip the individuals into the glue and blow gently to get the glue tacky.
2. Press: Start at the outer corner of your eye (if you’ve bought two lengths of individuals, use the longest ones here). As you hold the cluster at the tip of your thumb and index finger, keep your hand at an angle (with the outer edge of your hand facing out toward the mirror). Press the clusters on, squeezing them between your natural lashes, and work from the outside in. Once you’ve layed down a few clusters of the longest length, start pressing in the shorter length as you work your way toward your inner lashes. Don’t apply the false lashes past the pupil of your eye, for the most natural look.
these are definitely the most natural false eyelashes!
1. Glue: Apply a dot of eyelash glue to the back of your hand. Dip a single eyelash into the glue and blow gently to get the glue tacky.
2. Start at the outer corner of your eye and work your way in. It is important to really work the single lashes between your natural for the best effect. It may be necessary to trim the lashes as you get closer to your inner eye. The lashes should be longest at the outer corner and shortest at the inner corner of your eye. If done correctly, these lashes are almost undetectable and feel the most natural.
If you’ve got individual clusters and singles, double them up! Use the clusters at the outer eye and start working in the singles 1/4 of the way in toward your inner eye. This will give you a natural and sexy look!
False lashes are not just for Halloween! There are hundreds of shapes and sizes to fit any occasion. Try them on your wedding day for a pretty, feminine look or pick up a thick, glamour pair of lashes for a night out! You’ll also find that a few individual clusters placed at the outer corner of your eye are perfect anytime for that extra sexy sweep!