Five Makeup Brushes You Must Have!
1. MEDIUM POWDER BRUSH – used for applying powder or dusting away eyeshadow that falls onto cheeks (great overall blending tool)
2. LARGE POWDER BRUSH – used for blush or overall blending
3. MEDIUM FLAT EYESHADOW BRUSH – used for laying down eyeshadow (also great for defining undereye with eyeshadow)
4. ROUND CREASE BRUSH – SO, SO important! This brush will allow you to blend all your eyeshadows together and because of it’s round shape, it moves the eyeshadow around perfectly into your crease and anywhere around it.
5. SMALL FLAT DETAILED BRUSH or SMALL ANGLED BRUSH – having both are great, but if you can only have one of these, choose the small angled brush. You can use this brush for eyeliner, to fill in brows, or get creative with your eye makeup. It also allows you to add color in a specific area and it’s shape allows you to add concentrated color for a dramatic effect.